Model Loader s3db

The s3db model loader provides access to database tables and other named objects defined in dynamically loaded models.

The model loader can be accessed through current:

from gluon import current

s3db = current.s3db

Accessing Tables and Objects

A table or other object defined in a dynamically loaded data model can be accessed by name either as attribute or as key of current.s3db:

Example: accessing the org_organisation table using attribute-pattern
table = s3db.org_organisation
Example: accessing the org_organisation table using key-pattern
tablename = "org_organisation"
table = s3db[tablename]

Either pattern will raise an AttributeError if the table or object is not defined, e.g. when the module is disabled.

Both access methods build on the lower-level table() method:

s3db.table(tablename, default=None, db_only=False)

Access a named object (usually a Table instance) defined in a dynamically loaded model.

  • tablename (str) – the name of the table (or object)

  • default – the default to return if the table (or object) is not defined

  • db_only (bool) – return only Table instances, not other objects with the given name


If an Exception instance is passed as default, it will be raised rather than returned.

Table Settings

Table settings are used to configure entity-specific behaviors, e.g. forms, list fields, CRUD callbacks and access rules. The following functions can be used to manage table settings:

s3db.configure(tablename, **attr)

Add or modify table settings.

  • tablename (str) – the name of the table

  • attr – table settings as key-value pairs

Example: configuring table settings
               insertable = False,
               list_fields = ["name", "acronym", "website"],
s3db.get_config(tablename, key, default=None)

Inspect table settings.

  • tablename (str) – the name of the table

  • key (str) – the settings-key

  • default – the default value if setting is not defined for the table


the current value of the setting, or default

Example: inspecting table settings
if s3db.get_config("org_organisation", "insertable", True):
    # ...
    # ...
s3db.clear_config(tablename, *keys)

Remove table settings.

  • tablename (str) – the name of the table

  • keys – the keys for the settings to remove

Example: removing table settings
s3db.clear_config("org_organisation", "list_fields")


If clear_config is called without keys, all settings for the table will be removed!

Declaring Components

The add_components method can be used to declare components.

s3db.add_components(tablename, **links)

Declare components for a table.

  • tablename (str) – the name of the table

  • links – component links

Example: declaring components

                    # A 1:n component with foreign key
                    org_office = "organisation_id",

                    # A 1:n component with foreign key, single entry
                    org_facility = {"joinby": "organisation_id",
                                    "multiple": False,

                    # A m:n component with link table
                    project_project = {"link": "project_organisation",
                                       "joinby": "organisation_id",
                                       "key": "project_id",

URL Method Handlers

s3db.set_method(tablename, component=None, method=None, action=None)

Configure a URL method for a table, or a component in the context of the table

  • tablename (str) – the name of the table

  • component (str) – component alias

  • method (str) – name of the method (to use in URLs)

  • action – function or other callable to invoke for this method, receives the CRUDRequest instance and controller keyword parameters as arguments

Example: defining and configuring a handler for a URL method for a table
def check_in_func(r, **attr):
    """ Handler for check_in method """

    # Produce some output...

    # Return output to view
    return {}

# Configure check_in_func as handler for the "check_in" method
# (i.e. for URLs like /eden/pr/person/5/check_in):
s3db.set_method("pr_person", method="check_in", action=check_in_func)


If a S3Method class is specified as action, it will be instantiated when the method is called (lazy instantiation).

s3db.get_method(tablename, component=None, method=None)

Get the handler for a URL method for a table, or a component in the context of the table

  • tablename (str) – the name of the table

  • component (str) – component alias

  • method (str) – name of the method


the handler configured for the method (or None)

CRUD Callbacks

to be written